This is going to sound crazy, but I actually love practicing for interviews. Don’t get me wrong: I don’t love the actual interview process, but I love practicing for potential interviews. My organization offers self-improvement classes, and I love taking the ‘practice interview’, ‘create a new resume’, ‘find your purpose in life’ classes. Love them! Sometimes I think, even though I’ve heard Continue Reading
Top 3 Reasons You Should Join a Public Speaking Group
I can’t hide it anymore, so I’m going to come clean to you all… I love public speaking. Could you already tell from my title? As much as I am an introvert, I actually love public speaking. However, I wasn’t always that way… A Long Time Ago, in a City Not-So-Far-Away It was my sophomore year of high school, and my high school only offered a handful of electives. One was math-related, which was Continue Reading
So I Just Made $50 Last Weekend!
If you just read the title of this post and thought, ‘yeah, so? So did I!’ then you either work weekends, or you have a really cool side-gig that you need to tell me about, stat. If you’re reading the title of this post and are thinking, ‘sweet! How?!’ then keep reading! Making an extra $50 for fairly little effort is possible! Note: you probably won’t make $50 every weekend, but $50 Continue Reading
Getting Lunch with Co-Workers
Do you go out to lunch with your co-workers, but need to stick to a budget? I understand the benefits of going out to eat lunch with co-workers: networking, keeping up with people you used to work with, and yes, keeping up with gossip (“industry news” ☺) It’s completely valuable. But (and you knew there was a ‘but’ coming!) sometimes it feels like a little too much. Knowing how important Continue Reading
Networking for Introverts
Three Tips for Networking Success Networking: for many people, the bane of their existence. This is even more pronounced for introverts like myself. Even if your job mostly involves working behind a computer, you probably had to do some networking, at the very least in the form of the interview, to get your job. Especially nowadays, when getting a job partially lies on who you know, Continue Reading
Embrace Free Work Perks!
My organization offers a free fitness incentive program that, if you walk 5,000 steps 3 times a week, tracked by a provided pedometer, you’re entered into a monthly prize drawing for $50 gift cards to either a local grocery store chain or a sporting goods store. On top of that, work also offers gift cards in various, progressive amounts for each 100,0000, 500,000 and one million steps you walk. Continue Reading
Is a Master’s Degree Worth It?
In my last post, ‘Why My Master’s Degree Was Worth It’, I discussed the reasons why my master’s degree was worthwhile, and why it might be worthwhile for you. While I’m happy with what my master’s degree got me (an awesome job) it did also put me in much more debt, on top of the debt I had from undergrad. This is why I think it’s necessary to discuss the cons of a master’s degree too, keeping Continue Reading
Why My Master’s Degree Was Worth It
Only approximately 11% of the population has a master’s degree, and many would argue that a college degree is sufficient for getting your foot in the door to a good job. Depending on what you majored in at college, you may agree with this statement. I know a ton of accounting majors who got jobs right after we all graduated college, while the liberal arts majors looked around and said, “back to Continue Reading
Sunburnt Saver’s Blog Posting Schedule
As you can see, I’m still pretty new to this blogging thing, but I’ve discovered it’s pretty important to have a blog posting schedule. That way you all know when new content will be posted, but it’s also a great reminder for me to keep on track – I have a schedule to stick to! Blog Posting Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday I’ll be posting updates to the Sunburnt Saver here Tuesday, Continue Reading