Recently, I was searching for a housewarming gift for an old friend from college who just purchased her first home. It was really tough for me to choose a gift for her with all the great options available online - I tend to get a little carried away when it comes to presents. Related: My Ruthless Christmas Gift Plan Making it extra hard was that my husband and I had just moved into our new Continue Reading
The Best Gifts for Teachers – Recommended By a Teacher!
I love gift guides, because good gift guides introduce me to cool new things I would have never known about. In fact, one of my favorite gifts for my Mom I found from a gift guide: the Re-wined Candles! However, sometimes gift guides can just be money-grabs by websites or companies that want you to buy their stuff - even if it’s not the right gift for that special person in your life. I’m Continue Reading
Lessons Learned from Getting a New Roof
We recently went through the experience of getting a new roof and let me tell you - it was rough. I learned a lot in the process of getting a new roof, so there are a few things I want to share with you in this article! Now, some roofing problems may not require the services of professional roofing companies and can be handled in-house (or on the roof!) Basic roof repair can be done Continue Reading
Weather Wednesdays!
Are you looking for a fun way to challenge yourself to save more money this year? Well, not to toot my own horn, but I came up with a pretty cool and fun way to save money every month called Weather Wednesdays. What is the Weather Wednesdays Savings Challenge? Weather Wednesdays is a savings challenge where for the whole year, you save as much as the high temperature in your city. This Continue Reading
Ibotta Referral Code: Get A $5 Bonuses Using This Code
Does it feel like you'll never get the hang of saving money at the grocery store? Do you always go over budget in your grocery category? If so, you're not alone. I, for one, have so been there, and I want to recommend an app called Ibotta that can really help (and earning up to $5 with our Ibotta referral code link doesn't hurt either. ;)) Click here to earn up to $5 with our Ibotta referral code Continue Reading
Unique Ways to Save Money and Make Money
They say money can’t buy happiness, but having enough money to buy a dog or a yacht is pretty darn close. Whether you’re a 9-to-5 city slicker or an always-on-the-move, part-time multitasker, you depend on your hustle to sustain your livelihood. If you’re tired of living paycheck to paycheck, make 2019 your year of saving and making more money than you ever have before. Make good on your Continue Reading
How to Save Money on Your Home Renovation
Renovating a house can be costly. In fact, it is very likely that it becomes the most expensive project you ever undertake, with most people spending more than their original budgets. Regardless of whether you wish to update your home’s exterior or you are just creating an extension, you should always remain prudent when budgeting. There are numerous ways, however, that you can implement to avoid Continue Reading
Which is Better: Play! by Sephora or Birchbox? [Updated for 2020]
When I was first considering signing up for a beauty box subscription, it was tough to choose in the Play by Sephora vs Birchbox debate. However, I had been buying makeup through Sephora for a few years and my Mom liked Sephora, so I decided to sign up with them - I've even done a few Play! by Sephora reviews here, too! However, I recently decided to switch from Sephora to Birchbox for my Continue Reading
4 Frugal Fall Decorating Ideas
I’m finally starting to get the hang of this ‘being an adult’ thing: stable job, roof over my head, feeding myself (mostly) healthy food on a regular basis, scheduling (and keeping!) appointments. I was patting myself on the back the other day when B stated, ‘yeah, but our house still looks like we live in college.’ Aaaaand… he’s right. Why do I still have posters hanging up on the walls? I’m Continue Reading
4 Inexpensive Adult Halloween Costume Ideas
Halloween isn't just for kids. Am I right or am I right? Halloween can be a lot of fun for adults too! But, you might not have room in your house to store a bunch of adult Halloween costumes or the money to invest in them year after year. So, if you don't have a Halloween costume picked out yet, we have some frugal ideas below. Keep in mind that the average person will spend almost $80 on Continue Reading