As we finish up our last week (or so) of our Blogiversary Extravaganza, I wanted to talk about an invaluable resource for bloggers: images. No matter what type of blogger you are, you need images for your posts. They don't have to be amazing, Pin-worthy images (although those do help with traffic), but images bring people in, catch their attention, and encourage them to click or read on. In one Continue Reading
How I Work Full-Time, Blog, and Freelance
I've always loved those "How I Work" features on Lifehacker and Day in the Life series' of other bloggers around the web, and I thought with our month-long Blog Extravaganza, I'd let you in on how I work, and blog, and freelance, and live, and do stuff, and plan a wedding... and eat, occasionally :) In case you haven't checked out my About Me page, I do work full-time in the budget section of Continue Reading
12 Things I’ve Learned About Blogging
Woohoo, it's a giveaway day at Sunburnt Saver! I hope you're having a fantastic day so far and are ready to continue the blogiversary party! In case you didn't read my last post, July marks the first full year since I've been blogging at Sunburnt Saver! To celebrate, this whole month I'll be discussing everything related to blogging, including things I've learned, how to be a better Continue Reading
Make Extra Money With a Side Hustle
Happy almost end of April, everyone! We’re drawing to a close on our monthly series, Budgeting 101. After reading a post about learning how to earn money online, I decided to put down some ideas on how you can earn money as a side hustle alongside your job! So let’s recap everything we’ve learned so far before jumping into today’s topic: Week 1: We asked why we should even care about budgeting Continue Reading
3 Free Photo Resources for Bloggers
One of the biggest challenges when I was trying to get on my feet as a serious blogger was finding good, quality images for my blog posts. In case you haven’t realized it yet, images on your site are very important. Not only can they connect your post to the photo, but they’re also appealing to look at, break up text, and (my favorite) can drive tons of traffic to your blog through Pinterest (if Continue Reading
4 Specific Ways to Perfect Your Posture
Your parents were right: standing up straight really is important! If you’d like to live out your years hunched over, walking slowly, and in chronic pain, ignore this post at your peril. However, if you’d like to live with full vitality, it’s really important you use this post to your ultimate advantage. As a full-time officer work and part-time freelancer, I spend the majority of my day at my Continue Reading
Tax Mistakes I Made This Year
Remember how I mentioned during my last Weekly Update that I was going to do my taxes? Well, that went spectacularly. And when I say “spectacularly”, I actually mean it went horribly. I did them, and I did them right, but my plan really backfired on me because I ended up owing both the state and the federal government money (a few hundred dollars total). So how did it backfire on me exactly? I Continue Reading
3 Side Hustles You Can Start Today
On Tuesday, we shared our reasons for side hustling. If you haven’t told us why you are side hustling (or want to side hustle) - stop! And click here to tell us why you’re hustling. ;) Trust me, by sharing your aspirations for your side hustles this year, you're much more likely to succeed! Okay, so you know why you’re side hustling: whether it’s to make some extra money to put towards debt, or Continue Reading
Why Start a Side Hustle?
As you all know, I started side hustling late last year. It was always a goal of mine to get paid to write, so it was really thrilling when I applied for a freelance writer position and was accepted! But I want to know: why are you side hustling? Or, if you’re not side hustling yet, what makes you want to start a side hustle? Starting a side hustle certainly has its ups and downs, but if it Continue Reading
5 Ways to Brainstorm Productively
Today I’m going to deviate from the norm and talk a little about one of my favorite topics: blogging and being a better blogger. However, this post isn’t just for my blogger or writer friends! Anyone can use these tips to tap into their inner creative or planner. Whether you’re working on improving your blog or improving your life, I hope you find these tips beneficial. If you’re Continue Reading