Have you heard about accountability partners, either for workout/health goals, financial goals, or entrepreneurship goals? A lot of people search for accountability partners who are interested in the same things as they are: your sister-in-law, for example, for your “running buddy” accountability partner to make sure you finish that marathon. Some accountability partners are free, and others you Continue Reading
What Happens If You Get In An Accident? Healthcare for Freelancers
When I first decided I was going to work from home and become self-employed, my Mom was mostly worried about health insurance coverage. I’ve never been a sickly person, but my Mom is a Type A worrier (love you, Mom!) and thinks "worst case scenario" about me all the time. Surprisingly, she wasn’t worried I would “make it”, in terms of being able to pay the bills (which I guess means she believed Continue Reading
Is Working From Home Right for You?
I’ve now been working for myself (or, at least, working from home) since March 2017, and the transition has overall been smooth. That said, I did a lot of planning ahead to make sure I could handle working from home, because I’ve heard it can be tough and, in some cases, impossible. So is working from home right for you? The answer is: maybe. Unfortunately, it’s not for everyone - that’s Continue Reading
How I Make Money Online
When people share their income reports, I’m always really curious how they make money online, where they find clients, and why they finally decided to leave other employment (if they had a job before they started working from home). To be honest, I was incredibly privileged before I decided to make a huge leap and work from home. I had a great job, I had went and gotten an advanced degree Continue Reading
Fund Your Next Vacation by Working Part-Time as a Rideshare Driver
Being able to relax and unwind from time to time is important. The only problem with taking a vacation annually is that they are often so costly. If you want to be able to take a vacation this year, but simply do not have the funds to go on the trip you want to take, consider working as a ridesharing driver to make the extra money you need. Use the following guide to learn the requirements that Continue Reading
The 50 Best Personal Finance & Entrepreneurship Blogs
When I first got started blogging almost 2 years ago, I read every blog about personal finance I could find. A lot of the messages from these blogs was confusing, and occasionally some blogs would stop being updated - essentially, people had given up blogging. When I started my own side hustle, I did the same thing searching for entrepreneurship blogs. I obsessively checked Pinterest, read Continue Reading
16 Side Hustles for This Year and Beyond
Around this time last year, I posted one of my most popular articles to date: 3 Side Hustles You Can Start This Year. This post quickly became viral on Pinterest and still drives a ton of traffic every single day (hi new readers!) While the 3 side hustles I mentioned in January 2015 are still viable, this year brings even more opportunities for you to make more money on the side! If this is Continue Reading
How to Become a Virtual Assistant
Finding work you can do from home that isn’t a scam can be challenging. However, you can easily find work as a virtual assistant, and it is work you can do in your spare time to make extra money. Who knows — it might even turn into a full-time gig. In 2012, the virtual assistant market was estimated at $352 million and is expected to grow 30.6% by 2019. Continue Reading
5 Ways to Set Aside Time For Your Side Hustle
On Sunburnt Saver, we love to talk about side hustles - ways for you to make extra money, either outside of your full time job or on the side while living your busy life. Today, blogger Anum discusses how you can find time in your busy schedule for your side hustle. What ways do you try to find extra time throughout the day? If you're looking to create more time, check out these apps to help you Continue Reading
How to Leave Your Job on Good Terms
As I mentioned in our July Recap and August Goals post, I recently left my previous job in budget/finance for a new job in planning. Before I left, I was so nervous about telling my boss, coworkers, and everyone else that I obsessively read articles about "the best way to leave your job" and "how to leave your job on good terms". Yes, I Googled how to break up with my job. No, I didn't Google it Continue Reading