Following in the spirit of our epic month of Everything Blog, today we'll be talking about blogging tools that keep me sane. But first, the winner of our epic Blog Giveaway is... drum roll please... Mel from BrokeGIRLRich! Mel wins a copy of Ruth Soukup’s How to Blog for Profit Without Selling Your Soul and Darren Rowse and Chris Garrett’s ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Continue Reading
5 Things I’ve Learned as a Blogger
For the next two weeks, I’m going to be doing something a little different. Many people thought I was crazy when I left my full-time office job to “work from home”. They thought I wasn’t working, basically. That’s definitely not true! So for the next two weeks, I’m going to be running a series on blogging. It will include how I got started blogging, how you can find time to blog (if you want to!), Continue Reading
More Free Photo Sites for Bloggers & Creatives
As we finish up our last week (or so) of our Blogiversary Extravaganza, I wanted to talk about an invaluable resource for bloggers: images. No matter what type of blogger you are, you need images for your posts. They don't have to be amazing, Pin-worthy images (although those do help with traffic), but images bring people in, catch their attention, and encourage them to click or read on. In one Continue Reading
How I Work Full-Time, Blog, and Freelance
I've always loved those "How I Work" features on Lifehacker and Day in the Life series' of other bloggers around the web, and I thought with our month-long Blog Extravaganza, I'd let you in on how I work, and blog, and freelance, and live, and do stuff, and plan a wedding... and eat, occasionally :) In case you haven't checked out my About Me page, I do work full-time in the budget section of Continue Reading
12 Things I’ve Learned About Blogging
Woohoo, it's a giveaway day at Sunburnt Saver! I hope you're having a fantastic day so far and are ready to continue the blogiversary party! In case you didn't read my last post, July marks the first full year since I've been blogging at Sunburnt Saver! To celebrate, this whole month I'll be discussing everything related to blogging, including things I've learned, how to be a better Continue Reading