A thousand dollars can feel both big and small at the same. On one hand, it’s a decent chunk of money that’s enough to buy some very nice things. On the other, it feels like a small amount when you’re thinking about investing for the long term. Depending on your situation, there are a few ways to make this money work for you. If you're looking to invest $1,000, check 5 sensible ways on how to Continue Reading
Why You Should Care About Your Personal Savings Rate
Hi everyone! Please welcome our new freelance writer, Anum Yoon! Anum has written some awesome posts for us in the past, and now she'll be a regular contributor to Sunburnt Saver. For more of Anum's stellar personal finance writing, check out her site, Current on Currency. Please welcome Anum to the Sunburnt Saver community! :) Do you want to work forever? If you’re one of the lucky few who Continue Reading
Sin Stocks: Investing for the Wicked
I’ve made it one of my goals to invest more, as I learned that instead of owing the government, I could have just invested more in my IRA account. Since that debacle, I’ve made it these year’s goal to increase the amount I invest - beyond what I save for my emergency fund. Luckily, my emergency fund is going well, as is saving (and planning for) the wedding, so I think I’ll be able to actually Continue Reading